Surface Laptop 5 for Business

While at Microsoft, I was a part of product launches for many product categories but Surface was always one of the biggest undertakings. This is an example of a product launch product detail page for Surface Laptop 5 for Business. During this particular year’s project, we had three products I was responsible designing mobile and desktop pages for.

Final full page designs

I worked with one of our team’s copywriters to strategize where specific content would go in our layout for devices. Several modules created interactive experiences for customers to learn all about the device’s features (see below).

Hero image at the top changes based on which color is selected:

The third section of the overview tab is a 360 image with a slider that changes based on it’s location. Each has a certain feature of the devices associated with it that pops each of the images below in a overlay:

The fourth section shows featured apps that partner with the device. Each app can be selected with the copy and image changing below:

The fifth section down holds a carousel module that flips to show what Microsoft offers for businesses that purchase Surfaces:


Redesign/Test: Microsoft 365 Chooser


Redesign: Surface for Business Department Page